Posted tagged ‘cartoon’

In new project, pro-Israel voices opt for satire over polemic

August 5, 2015

In new project, pro-Israel voices opt for satire over polemic

Frustrated with classic ‘hasbara’ or public advocacy, Israeli cartoonists volunteer their talents for the cause

By Elhanan Miller August 5, 2015, 5:13 pm

via In new project, pro-Israel voices opt for satire over polemic | The Times of Israel.

A caricature by Yossi Shahar posted on the Israeli Cartoon Project Facebook page [courtesy/The Israeli cartoon Project/Yossi Shahar]

A caricature by Yossi Shahar posted on the Israeli Cartoon Project Facebook page [courtesy/The Israeli cartoon Project/Yossi Shahar]


Presenting Israel’s case to the world is a difficult endeavor, especially now when the country finds itself increasingly isolated diplomatically and culturally.

A new online initiative takes a different approach to Israel advocacy, however, striving to explain Israel’s case through satirical caricatures rather than emphatic argumentation.

Using Israeli cartoonists who volunteered their creative talents to the cause, The Israeli Cartoon Project has already garnered over 7,000 fans since its Facebook launch in June.

Asaf Finkelstein, 38, said the initiative was born out of a deep sense of frustration over the British Student Union’s vote to boycott Israel, and a statement by the CEO of mobile giant Orange, Stephane Richard, that he would pull his company out of Israel “tomorrow” were he not bound by contracts.

A caricature by Israeli artist Vladik Sandler courtesy/Vladik Sandler

“We realized that the people opposing us are much more numerous than we are,” he told The Times of Israel, recalling a conversation with Israeli cartoonist Uri Fink. “We said: ‘Hey, no one’s listening to us any more.’”

So Finkelstein, who promotes Israeli nonprofits, turned to his friend and colleague Yossi Klar, and together they began recruiting Israeli artists “on both sides of the political map” so as not to be tainted as partisan.

Shay Charka, an Israeli caricaturist, didn’t hesitate for a second when he was approached by Finkelstein and Klar. He said that fighting the pro-Palestinian global boycott campaign against the Jewish state and Israel defamation is one of his top priorities.

“There’s a huge amount of ignorance in the world about what goes on here,” Charka said. “It’s very easy for people to ‘buy’ horrific images of us, while there are no buyers for our argument of ‘listen, it’s not that terrible.’”

The only way to fight hostile images, Charka argued, is with images of our own.

A caricature posted by Israel artist Shay Charka courtesy/Shay Charka

“A caricature grabs you immediately because of its humor,” he said. “It works like a Trojan horse: once you’ve smiled, you’ve opened up. And that’s when the message can trickle down, even if you didn’t mean for it to.”

Veteran Israeli caricaturist Uri Fink said he had attempted to launch a similar initiative a few years ago through an Israel advocacy comics competition, but failed. “I’m a caricaturist but not such a great manager,” he said. So when Finkelstein approached him several months ago, he immediately jumped on board.

A caricature by Israeli artist Uri Fink posted on the Facebook page of The Israeli Cartoon Project courtesy/Uri Fink

“Caricatures are the best weapon in this war of ideas,” Fink told The Times of Israel.

Even though political caricatures have existed since the 18th century, they are much more effective in the age of social media, he opined.

“It jumps out at you, it takes you a second to get the message, and you go happily on your way,” he said. “It’s not too deep.”

A thought experiment about Islam

January 15, 2015

A thought experiment about Islam, Dan Miller’s Blog, January 15, 2015

(The views expressed in this article are mine, and do not necessarily reflect those of Warsclerotic or its other editors. — DM)

A religion which blesses and encourages the slaughter of those who offend it or its “prophet” should be condemned, not praised, unless and until it stops doing both. 

On January 14th, I posted an article titled Obama plans to restrain media offensiveness to Islam. As a thought experiment, this less than obviously relevant cartoon appeared at the top:

Islamic pig

I considered the cartoon offensive and hope that everyone else did too. It might depict Mohamed, or it might not. Beyond vague descriptions, likely of questionable value, we have little information about Mohamed’s physical appearance. The cartoon could depict any obese human male wearing a turban. The same is true of other cartoons purporting to depict Mohamed in various poses.

Had a similar cartoon shown instead a Roman Catholic priest or a rabbi on a roasting spit, with a giant pencil extending into his anus and thence through his body and mouth, present day Christians, Jews and those of most other world religions, as well as those of no religion, would quite likely be offended; far less because of the religious significance of the victim than because we do not do that sort of thing to people. We would not on either account murder the cartoonist. Many Muslims might well consider the cartoon funny and approve of what they consider an appropriate consequence of being Jewish or Christian.

As far as I am aware, no world religion other than Islam worships, and seeks to have its followers emulate, a “prophet” or saint who condoned and demanded the killing of those who mocked or otherwise offended him. Mohamed did. Neither Jesus nor Moses did. Nor, as far as I am aware, did any prophet or saint of any other current world religion.

Other Mohamed cartoons of which I am aware do not show him being killed or tortured. For example this cartoon, which inspired the vicious animosity of many Muslims, merely depicts him with a bomb in his turban and gazing with hatred at someone or some thing. It does not depict him being tortured or killed.


Rather than consider it offensive, I consider it a humorous way of depicting one (of the many) barbaric things done by Muslims in the name, and with the blessing, of their religion. Current day non-Muslims also use bombs and some of the same weapons. They use more advanced weapons as well. However, they do not generally do it in the name and with the blessings of their religions because of what they perceive as insults to those religions. That is a significant difference.

Modern cultures should not seek to prevent the publication of cartoons presenting Mohamed, or anyone else, in an unfavorable light. Nor should they seek to prevent cartoons of the objectionable type I posted on January 14th. They can also generate controversy and, hopefully, peaceful discussion. A cartoon of the sort suggested above, depicting a Roman Catholic priest or Jewish rabbi instead of Mohamed, probably would generate nothing more than peaceful controversy, aside from the pleasure of some Muslims.

If cartoons cause bad people to kill those who create or publish them, all of the subsequent adverse consequences should befall those who kill, not those who would create or publish more cartoons.Obama is intent upon imposing adverse consequences on the latter, while claiming that those who kill or attempt to kill in the name of Allah act on behalf of no religion. He would, and would have the rest of us, shield the murderers’ coreligionist supporters even from our displeasure. Obama is a disgrace to civilized humanity.

ISIS scared


Ex-Muslim’s Open Letter To America: ‘WHAT ELSE HAS TO HAPPEN SO YOU WAKE UP?!’

January 14, 2015

Ex-Muslim’s Open Letter To America: ‘WHAT ELSE HAS TO HAPPEN SO YOU WAKE UP?!’

by / on January 11, 2015 at 12:09 am

via Mad World NewsEx-Muslim’s Open Letter To America: ‘WHAT ELSE HAS TO HAPPEN SO YOU WAKE UP?!’.

Something different than the cowards of the international press, and special the Jewish press in Israel.

Meet Mark Christian, a brave man who has dedicated his life to exposing what Islam truly is all about.

After leaving Islam a decade ago to convert to Christianity, Mark pulls no punches when speaking out about his former religion, frequently calling out the Muslims who choose to murder in the name of their god.

“A god who is insecure enough to be offended by a cartoon, and incompetent to the level that he wants you to avenge for him, is not a god worthy of worship, but a devil who is leading you to your demise.

“When people challenged Jesus, he made them walk on water, raised them from the dead, and healed their sickness to prove ‘who He Is’ … But when people challenged Mohamed, he chopped their heads off to prove his power as a prophet … Well you chop my head off as much as you want. My heart will continue to call on the name of my savior Jesus Christ.

“Where is the American spirit and the American soul? Where are those who destroyed Hitler and brought down the Berlin Wall? When planes flew into your buildings, knifes ran through your fellow citizens’ throats, bombs went off in your Boston streets, Women and kids are screaming in every country around the world. All of this and you are still calling Islam the religion of peace … What else needs to happen for that Giant to wake up, and liberate humanity from the bondage and the fear of Islam???”

The following is an open letter from Mark, not just to Americans, but to those professing to be “peaceful” Muslims. In the light of the recent terror attacks in Paris, this message needs to be heeded and applied before it is too late!

The circumstances we face are dire and we have no coherent way of addressing it until we establish the stark, bright line between Muslims who are willing to respect the religious liberty of others (which must absolutely require the abandonment of vengeance over insults, perceived or real) and those who count us as so many cattle, ripe for slaughter and easily led.

Our society can no longer afford to self-censor when it comes to the “hair trigger” that is Islam.  Muslims of the former type I described above may be offended, and for this I am sympathetic; but Muslims of the latter type will become enraged and will reveal to all the depth of their incompatibility with civilized society. This is my aim: to force these Muslims to expose their unacceptable radicalism for all to see, but also to reach a self-realization of the depravity of that radicalism that exists within themselves.

Being offended is uncomfortable for sure, but it is nothing compared to being hunted and subjugated, which is the lot our Christian brothers and sisters in Muslim-dominated lands endure, and as we saw in Paris; and increasingly in our own western democracies. The source of this is a foolish adherence to the idea of “multiculturalism,” enforced by a misguided political correctness.  I believe you would heartily agree that there is no verbal insult, nor cartoon that would move you to murder.  However, hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide disagree.

Part of the effort of the Global Faith Institute is to expose the reality of these twisted beliefs, not just among the jihadists (who we all know believe this) but more importantly, among the so-called “moderate” Muslims.

The concept of killing over an insult is abhorrent, but is held to be acceptable by a majority of Muslims.  Does this mean that a majority of Muslims would kill over a cartoon? Of course not.  However it does mean that a majority of Muslims would NOT stop a fellow Muslim from doing so, and might even feel compelled to assist or support them either financially, or through their silence. This concept is the bridge from religion to savagery. If a Muslim accepts insult as justification for violence, then it becomes possible  for them to move to the next stage – honor killings, murder of apostates and infidels, etc.

Think of responding to insult with violence as the “gateway drug” to all the evils that animate Islam today.  Break that link, and the rest will collapse for lack of support.

We are at the point where the lack of a stark, bright line is enabling death.  I must do all I can to draw that line, and force Muslims to choose which side of that line they prefer. This is an essential first step in exposing the radicalism that we both know festers beneath the surface of many Muslims; even some of whom we call friends.

Some of those “peaceful” Muslims are of the opinion that HAMAS is doing nothing wrong by targeting civilians. They say are merely “acting as anyone would toward an oppressor.” Their words, not mine.

We are in a war, declared by Islam against civilization itself.  As war is not pretty, sometimes tactics within a battle are difficult as well.  I have the greatest love for Muslims, as they are in fact the first victims of Islam, and it is that love that leads me to force them to address their own need for religious reform.  When one allows a wayward son to sit at the Thanksgiving table while drunk and on drugs, one is enabling that behavior.  Real love tells that son to be sober and clean before entering this house.  The son will resist, but only through that conflict can the problem be resolved.  So it is with Islam, and those who follow it.

Mark is the founder of Global Faith Institute, whose mission is “To inspire the lost with the hope of Christ; to equip America with knowledge of the truth, greater than the evils of the age; to embrace the role of “Watchmen,” that we might sound an alarm for all who will listen.”  Be sure and follow him on Facebook and on Twitter.

If you would like to read the exclusive interview Mark did recently with Mad World News, you can check that out here.

How can we side in the fight against the islamic barbarians.

January 13, 2015

BIBI ask the whole world to side with Israel against the islamic terrorist who are trying to enforce their will upon us.

While the Israeli digital News sites Jerusalem post and Israel News do not allow this cartoon posted at their comment part of their site.

All links and my comments are deleted, even the links to the site of the author of this cartoon.


Not even with a comment why.


Perhaps i have to rethink my efforts in this battle for freedom of information and expression, if even the people who hurting the much under this terrorism are not willing to side and  bending over to the will of the terrorist.

What will be the world opinion about this coward attitude ?

Special after the scream of BIBI to side with Israel .


Update :

For The Canadian Free press and  Israel News the same, just lip service , a cartoon is to much !