The not-so-tamim Tamimi family of Ahed Tamimi

Ahed Tamimi and family – the not-so-tamim Tamimis | Anne’s Opinions, 1st February 2018

(My headline refers to the word “tamim” which in Hebrew means “innocent” or “wholesome” – two words which are the absolute antithesis of the Tamimi clan).

The saga of the Ahed Tamimi – the golden-haired, blue-eyed poster girl for Palestinian support of terrorism (which they like to call “resistance”) – has been dominating the “social justice” media for the last few weeks. Ever since she was arrested – finally! – by the IDF for slapping a soldier, after years of other provocations against soldiers, she has become a heroine of the foreign social justice warriors, the extreme left and of antisemites in general.

Ahed Tamimi was dubbed with the immortal nickname Shirley Temper by Aussie Dave of Israellycool and it fits her perfectly. Her staged displays of temper tantrums and faux outrage at IDF soldiers, always in front of a camera, earned her fame and fortune amongst those who bear ill-will towards Israel. And she has always been aided and abetted by her parents, to the extent that they have set up their own media company, Tamimi Press.

Here is the video of the incident that was the last straw (all videos via Israellycool):

Dave writes:

You may recognize the main child as none other than Ahed Tamimi aka Shirley Temper, already a veteran of these attempts to provoke soldiers, encouraged by her vile parents.

…As I have said before, this is child abuse, plain and simple. While I suspect the parents know full well these soldiers will not hurt their children, they are hoping they will – all for the propaganda value.

A great fuss was made in the international media that Israel had arrested a “child” – and Israel’s case was NOT helped by the Knesset’s resident idiot Oren Hazan who embarrassed his position as well as the entire nation in his interview on the BBC (who obviously knew exactly whom to interview to put Israel in the worst possible light). But the BBC item was a typical example of the slant applied to the story by the international media.

With all the emphasis on the arrest of this “child” it must be stressed that Ahed has been looking rather grown up lately. Dave at Israellycool got out his calculator and figured out that Ahed is in fact an adult:

With everyone’s favorite Pallywood actress back in the news, I have noticed how the Israel-haters post photos of her in her younger days – to emphasize she is just a child.

But she looks more like this these days:

… The question is, and always has been, how old is she? News reports give her age as either 16-years-old or 17-years-old, but by my previous calculations, she is now 18.

The question is why then the mentions of her as being younger. But I think we all already know the answer.

And if they lie about this, you can bet they are lying about a bunch of other things as well.

As for claiming Ahed is “innocent” – this could not be further from the truth. Later the same day that she hit the soldiers she spewed hate, violence and support of murder, suicide bombings and stabbings:

It is now clear beyond doubt that Ahed Tamimi has been indoctrinated by her parents from infancy to hate Israelis and Jews, and to support their murder.

What is even more staggering is that footage has now emerged (thanks to a keen-eyed reader of Israellycool) that Ahed’s mother actively encouraged her to attack the soldiers. In other words, this loving mother wanted her daughter to get arrested or maybe even killed just to score propaganda points against Israel. Watch the video:

But a very observant Israellycool reader noticed Nariman speaking softly right before Ahed and Nour went and starting attacking the soldiers. It has been confirmed by two Arabic speakers that she was saying “utrodo” (“اطرد”), which means kick them out/expel them.

In other words, Nariman deliberately told her young daughter Ahed and cousin Nour to go down there and start trouble with the soldiers, in order to kick them off the property.

Are we shocked yet? We shouldn’t be. The Tamimi’s have form, as I have said before. Read this Twitter thread:

Researcher and journalist Petra Marquardt-Bigman writes about the Tamimis’ history of incitement, in particular their support of the mass-murderer Ahlam Tamimi, now a fugitive from American justice (as thoroughly documented by the Roths at This Ongoing War), sitting safely in Jordan which disgracefully refuses to extradite her:

I have documented in great detail that for years, the Tamimis have glorified and incited terrorism, and that they hold family members who have committed terror attacks in high esteem. This is particularly true for Ahlam Tamimi, the mastermind and facilitator of the 2001 Sbarro bombing in Jerusalem that killed fifteen people including seven children and a pregnant woman, and left some 130 people injured; one young mother remained in a permanent vegetative state. Ahlam Tamimi has repeatedly boasted of the carnage she planned and helped perpetrate.

Given the current efforts to whitewash the Tamimis’ glorification of terror and their openly acknowledged association with, and admiration for, murderous terrorists, it is time to demonstrate that nothing has changed. It is particularly noteworthy that in the past year, Nariman Tamimi continued to advertise her admiration for Ahlam Tamimi. Below is a screenshot of some of Nariman Tamimi’s Facebook photos posted in 2017. The five images marked with yellow circles show Ahlam Tamimi, the Sbarro massacre mastermind and facilitator.

But one image, posted on March 16, 2017, shows a poster with Sbarro massacre mastermind and facilitator Ahlam Tamimi flashing a victory sign; the text calls for solidarity with her and reads in translation:

“Out of loyalty for the sacrifices of Ahlam, and emphasizing her right to wage resistance against the plundering occupier, and in rejection of the US demand to hand her over #All of us are_Ahlam_Tamimi. Take part in our campaign of solidarity with the liberated prisoner #All of us are_Ahlam_Tamimi. Today, Thursday at 7 pm – Be with us.”

Nariman Tamimi repeated the slogan in her own writing: “#All of us are_Ahlam_Tamimi”

Nariman Tamimi posted this photo with the chilling comment “#Ahlam_will triumph” – which is likely a reference to the publication of an FBI notice that included Ahlam Tamimi among the agency’s “Most Wanted” terrorists.

This is presumably the first time that Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem are enthusiastically campaigning for someone who has declared publicly for years that a murderous terrorist who is now on the FBI’s Most Wanted list should be viewed as an admirable hero who deserves full solidarity.

Yet, when these so-called human rights organizations insist that the Tamimis are a symbol of Palestinian “resistance,” they are entirely right. And no matter how much Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem may try to mislead, Nariman Tamimi – along with other members of the clan – has demonstrated over and over again that supporting this “resistance” is supporting terrorism.

Next time you hear about Palestinian “resistance” just keep those words of warning in your mind.

Now let’s just hope that the judge throws the book at Ahed Tamimi and gives her the maximum sentence allowed. Maybe then her reeducation can begin.

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