Archive for July 19, 2016

Humor ?1?

July 19, 2016

U.N. Report Condemns Iran for Failing to Comply With ‘Spirit’ of Nuclear Deal

U.N. Report Condemns Iran for Failing to Comply With ‘Spirit’ of Nuclear Deal


Russian Commentator On U.S. Elections: Clinton Is Better For Russia

July 19, 2016

Russian Commentator On U.S. Elections: Clinton Is Better For Russia, MEMRI, July 19, 2016

“The U.S. is now in a very difficult situation. It is far from certain that Trump’s reforms will save it. It is far from certain that Trump will be allowed to implement them. But Trump is the U.S.’s chance at revival, after which it will be able to return to an aggressive foreign policy under more favorable conditions. Whereas Hillary Clinton is Washington’s guaranteed way into the abyss. After her, no Trump will be able to save America.”


Rotislav Ischenko, an analyst for ‘Russia Today’ had an interesting take on the American elections. While the Russian public prefers Trump because he is viewed as an antagonist of the American elite epitomized by Hillary Clinton, Ischenko is rooting for Clinton. Republicans, excluding George W. Bush, generally proved themselves more skillful practitioners of international politics who skillfully manipulated Russia. The Clinton Administration began the American overstretch that committed resources to meaningless and unachievable goals. Therefore those who would prefer a weakened America should hope for a Clinton victory that would translate into America’s continued decline.

A translation of Ischenko’s article appears below:[1]

‘A Democrat Means A Guaranteed And Accelerated Continuation Of The Current Decline Of The American Supremacy’

RT ClintonVitaly,, May 27, 2016. While Clinton and Trump are fighting in the ring, the public cheers for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Most Russian experts, observers and even ordinary citizens who exhibit as much interest in the American electoral campaign as in the Olympics or the Football World Cup, side with Donald Trump in this race. This comes as no surprise.

“Firstly, Hillary Clinton is a lady who is too unpleasant in all respects. Secondly, her revoltingly negative attitude to Russia is widely known. Thirdly, Trump is outrageously flamboyant and he fights the traditional American elite. Who in this world likes the traditional American elite? In short, the Russians, without any reservations, are giving the People’s Choice Award to Donald Trump.

“One must admit that Donald Trump can become a better president for America than Hillary Clinton. At least, a Republican may give it a chance, whereas a Democrat means a guaranteed and accelerated continuation of the current decline of the American supremacy.

“But the Russians who side with Trump are hoping he will be a better American president for Russia as well. This view is, however, problematic. I would even call such hopes groundless and, if we could vote in the American elections, I would deliberately give my support to the former State Secretary and the wife of the 42nd president of the U.S. [Hillary Clinton].

“Here are my considerations: Firstly, historically the policies of the Republicans have always been more flexible and less dogmatic. Even [U.S. President Ronald] Reagan who proclaimed the USSR to be ‘The Empire of Evil’ quickly realized what advantages Washington could gain from the [former President of the Soviet Union] Mikhail Gorbachev’s version of de-escalation of tension and became the best friend of the Soviet Union. His successor, George Bush senior, also a Republican, even actively campaigned against the USSR breakup. He even visited Kiev specifically in order to convince the Ukrainian elites aspiring for independence that they would be much more comfortable in the Soviet Union.

“The 40th and the 41st U.S. presidents [Reagan and George H. W. Bush] were not altruists. Their thinking was less straightforward than that of the Democrats, and they knew that the direct way to their goal is not necessarily the shortest. As part of the theory of indirect action, they tried to hug the USSR to death, and they almost succeeded. In fact, they did not need the Soviet Union to collapse. They only wanted to weaken it and reduce it to the rank of a junior partner who would pull chestnuts out of the fire for the American hegemony even more effectively than the EU.

“It was a beautiful operation that should have led to the clear victory of the U.S. with the least costs. Even the collapse of the USSR did not invalidate it – just made it more complicated: now it was Russia that had to be hugged to death.

But then the Democrats came, represented by the Clintons, and they ruined everything. They rushed to stake out a claim on seemingly important but, in reality, strategically meaningless territories (in particular, in Yugoslavia). At the same time, the policy of deterrence against Russia was applied more and more noticeably in the post-Soviet territories.

Moscow grew wary, and public opinion in Russia, initially favorable to the U.S., became diametrically opposite. The chance was wasted, and the U.S. entered an exhausting race to maintain its supremacy, which has by now stretched its battle lines and eaten practically all the free resources, at the same time allowing Russia to concentrate, consolidate and launch a counter-offensive.

‘The Foreign Policy Paradigm Determined By The Clintons… Did Not Allow The U.S. To Choke The USSR/Russia In The Least Costly And Most Effective Way’

Obama’s Democratic administration proclaimed that it was aware of the necessity for significant reforms. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate [U.S. President Barack Obama] did make an attempt to break with the past, fold military activity all over the world, avoid confrontation with Russia and China, and concentrate on the domestic problems of the U.S. He failed for a number of reasons.

“Firstly, [Obama], personally, was not ready for the presidential office. Obama pronounced stirring speeches more often than tried to implement his own ideas.

“Secondly, since he understood little in foreign policy, he tried to focus on his domestic reforms (necessary, but insufficient), and gave the run of the foreign affairs to the same people who had implemented the idea of global ‘pawn-grabbing’ [a tendency of foolish chess-players] during Clinton’s term, neglecting the U.S. strategic interests.

“Thirdly, by the time of Obama’s presidency, the U.S. had advanced so far in the implementation of the idea of violent suppression of all potential foreign opponents, it had adhered so long to the tactics of ‘conquer everything, lose nothing,’ that without a single iron directing will that would implement an alternative comprehensive concept, neither the military nor the politicians nor the diplomats were able to break out of the vicious circle of decisions the inevitability of which was dictated by previous decisions.

“As a result, Obama became trapped by Clinton’s foreign policy, ruinous for the U.S., which had been implemented before by Clinton himself and then by the Republican administration of Bush junior. During the latter’s term, the inability of Washington to suppress all its opponents by force became evident, but Bush junior had neither experience nor will sufficient to turn the state ship around. Besides, for most of Bush’s term, the U.S. was euphoric about its formal foreign victories (Iraq, Afghanistan), and this inertial motion did not arouse any significant concern in anyone except a small number of domain specialists.

“On the whole, the foreign policy paradigm determined by the Clintons that has lasted as the leading one for six presidential terms of three presidents did not allow the U.S. to choke the USSR/Russia in the least costly and most effective way. The same paradigm caused the U.S. to overstrain itself; its resource base is no longer up to the task of global domination.

‘When We Deal With Hillary, We Deal With An Unpleasant But Predictable [Politician]… Trump Is Not Burdened By Rules Of Morality, At Least Not More Than Hillary’

Today, the Washington elites are facing a choice again. They can pig-headedly continue the same policy of pressure by force, hoping that the opponent will break before the U.S. is exhausted. In fact, today it means hoping for a miracle, like the coup of 1917, which took Russia out of the First World War and delayed Germany’s downfall by 18 months. Hillary Clinton is a supporter of this policy.

We understand what she will do and how. We understand we will have to deal with hysterics, attempts to apply pressure, blatant rudeness and undisguised threat of war. But we also understand that it is not Hillary who will decide whether or not to push the button. And the people who will decide are much more level-headed. In short, when we deal with Hillary, we deal with an unpleasant but predictable and see-through politician who will continue to lead the U.S. along the way towards resource overstrain.

“Trump is no Bush junior. He is the focus of all the strong points of the Republican party. He is not burdened by rules of morality, at least no more than Hillary. But he is more flexible and sees other ways of solving the American problem, besides the pig-headed direct pressure. Above all, Donald Trump understands that without stabilizing the economy and the financial system of the U.S., all its claims to world domination are no more than wishful thinking, and the U.S. is in danger of quickly becoming ‘Upper Volta’ with missiles”.

“One must realize that Trump is not alone. Of course, he speaks against the traditional Republican establishment, but it does not mean he does not enjoy the support of influential back-stage circles, who have become aware of the ruinous character of Clinton’s policy and are trying a more creative approach. Without powerful support (taking into account how the American press is controlled by the party elites), Trump would simply never have been given the opportunity to speak. All his billions would not have sufficed for a serious campaign. One can assume that Trump will try to offer the U.S. something like the policy Putin has been implementing in Russia.

“Firstly, [Trump seeks] an acceptable compromise in foreign policy. The U.S. reduces its activity in the major conflict areas, on condition that it saves its face. Secondly, [he will shift to] focusing on domestic problems. That is, tough reforms leading to painful but decisive revitalization of the financial and economic systems, in particular, at the expense of the outside world (Trump has already acknowledged the possibility of the U.S. defaulting). Thirdly, play on the contradictions of the remaining major players, whom the U.S. will find it easier to play off against each other in the context of reduced international activity, because their necessity to defend themselves from common danger – Washington – will disappear, but the mutual contradictions will exacerbate.

“The U.S. is now in a very difficult situation. It is far from certain that Trump’s reforms will save it. It is far from certain that Trump will be allowed to implement them. But Trump is the U.S.’s chance at revival, after which it will be able to return to an aggressive foreign policy under more favorable conditions. Whereas Hillary Clinton is Washington’s guaranteed way into the abyss. After her, no Trump will be able to save America.”



[1], May 19, 2016.

Cartoons of the Day

July 19, 2016

H/t Vermont Loon Watch



H/t Freedom is Just Another Word



Will the American voters be concerned with Hillary Clinton's history as she interviews for job as President?

Will the American voters be concerned with Hillary Clinton’s history as she interviews for job as President?

Not Just the Saudis: Iran’s Huge Role in 9/11 Also Covered Up

July 19, 2016

Not Just the Saudis: Iran’s Huge Role in 9/11 Also Covered Up, PJ MediaRobert Spencer, July 19, 2016

Iran and Saudi

“Satan in Flames” was the Iranian’s elaborate plot to hijack three passenger jets, each packed full of people, and crash them into American landmarks: the World Trade Center, which jihadis took to be the center of American commerce; the Pentagon, the center of America’s military apparatus; and the White House.


The 28-page section of the 9/11 report detailing Saudi involvement in the terror attack has finally been released (although with substantial portions still redacted). We now know why one president who held hands with the Saudi King and another president who bowed to him worked so hard all these years to keep these pages secret. The 28 pages confirm that the 9/11 jihad murderers received significant help from people at the highest levels of the Saudi government.

However, Saudi involvement in 9/11 was not the only subject of a cover-up: Iran’s little-noted role in 9/11 has been covered up as well.

As I detail in my new book The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran, on December 22, 2011, U.S. District Judge George B. Daniels ruled in Havlish, et al. v. bin Laden, et al., that Iran and Hizballah were liable for damages to be paid to relatives of the victims of the September 11, 2001 jihad attacks in New York and Washington.

Judge Daniels found that both the Islamic Republic and its Lebanese proxy had actively aided al-Qaeda in planning and executing those attacks. He found that Iran and Hizballah had cooperated and collaborated with al-Qaeda before 9/11, and continued to do so after the attacks.

Before 9/11, Iran and Hizballah were implicated in efforts to train al-Qaeda members to blow up large buildings. This training resulted in the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996, the bombing of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, and the attack on the USS Cole in 2000.

Shortly after the Cole attack, the 9/11 jihad plot began to come together — and Iran was involved.

Former MOIS operative Abolghasem Mesbahi, a defector from Iran, testified that during the summer of 2001 he received messages from Iranian government officials regarding a plan for unconventional warfare against the United States. The plot was entitled Shaitan dar Atash (“Satan in Flames”).

“Satan in Flames” was the Iranian’s elaborate plot to hijack three passenger jets, each packed full of people, and crash them into American landmarks: the World Trade Center, which jihadis took to be the center of American commerce; the Pentagon, the center of America’s military apparatus; and the White House.

A classified National Security Agency analysis referred to in the 9/11 Commission report reveals that eight to 10 of the 9/11 hijackers traveled to Iran repeatedly in late 2000 and early 2001.

The 9/11 Commission called for a U.S. government investigation into Iran’s role in 9/11 — but none was ever undertaken.

So Kenneth R. Timmerman of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran was, in his words, “engaged by the Havlish attorneys in 2004 to carry out the investigation the 9/11 Commission report called on the U.S. government to handle.”

Timmerman noted that during the 9/11 hijackers’ trips to Iran, they were “accompanied by ‘senior Hezbollah operatives’ who were in fact agents of the Iranian regime.” Iranian border agents did not stamp their passports so that their having been inside the Islamic Republic would not arouse suspicion when they entered the United States. The CIA, embarrassed by its failure to recognize the import of these trips, tried to suppress this revelation.

However, Timmerman contends that even the available evidence is explosive enough. In his words, he reveals that the Islamic Republic of Iran:

  • Helped design the 9/11 plot
  • Provided intelligence support to identify and train the operatives who carried it out
  • Allowed the future hijackers to evade U.S. and Pakistani surveillance on key trips to Afghanistan — where they received the final order of mission from Osama bin Laden — by escorting them through Iranian borders without passport stamps
  • Evacuated hundreds of top al-Qaeda operatives from Afghanistan to Iran after 9/11 just as U.S. forces launched their offensive
  • Provided safe haven and continued financial support to al-Qaeda cadres for years after 9/11
  • Allowed al-Qaeda to use Iran as an operational base for additional terror attacks, in particular the May 2003 bombings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The Ayatollah Khamenei knew about the plot. During the summer of 2001, he instructed Iranian agents to be careful to conceal their tracks. He told them to communicate only with al-Qaeda’s second-in-command — Ayman al-Zawahiri — and Imad Mughniyah of Hizballah.

Mughniyah was Iran’s key player in the 9/11 “Satan in Flames” plot. During the Havlish trial, former CIA agents Clare M. Lopez and Bruce D. Tefft submitted an affidavit stating:

Imad Mughniyah, the most notable and notorious world terrorist of his time, an agent of Iran and a senior operative of Hizballah, facilitated the international travel of certain 9/11 hijackers to and from Iran, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan, and perhaps various other locations for the purpose of executing the events of September 11, 2001.This support enabled two vital aspects of the September 11, 2001 plot to succeed: (1) the continued training of the hijackers in Afghanistan and Iran after securing their United States visas in Saudi Arabia, and (2) entry into the United States.

The Obama-era CIA went to great pains to try to ensure that information about Iran’s role in 9/11 did not come out in the Havlish case.

In August 2010, a CIA official pressured a Havlish witness to withdraw his testimony in exchange for a new identity, new passport, and new job.

In December of that year, another CIA operative approached a different Havlish witness, showed him documents stolen from the case, and took him to a U.S. embassy where he was subjected to five hours of interrogation. He was finally offered cash if he recanted his testimony. Says Timmerman:

After I reported those attempts at witness tampering to a Congressional oversight committee, they ceased.

Judge Daniels determined that Iran, Hizballah, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security, and other Iranian government departments — as well as the Ayatollah Khamenei himself and former Iranian president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani — were all directly implicated in Iranian efforts to aid al-Qaeda in its 9/11 plot.

Daniels awarded the plaintiffs in the Havlish case $394,277,884 for economic damages, $94,000,000 for pain and suffering, $874,000,000 for mental anguish and grief, $4,686,235,921 in punitive damages, and $968,000,000 in pre-judgment interest for a total of $7,016,513,805.

The Havlish plaintiffs will not receive a check for that amount from the Islamic Republic of Iran neatly signed by the Ayatollah Khamenei. Still, the judgment provided a small bit of solace for the loss of life and years of trauma these families suffered as a result of the Islamic Republic’s war against the United States.

Most importantly, the judgment stands as an acknowledgment of Iran’s role in the 9/11 attacks.

Clearly, Iran is and has been at war with the United States, Over a period of many years, Iran has conducted that war on numerous unconventional fronts while threatening conventional attacks if its agenda is thwarted in any way.

For the Islamic Republic this war is very real, a principal focus of its energy and expenditures. But it appears that only one side is fighting.

This was underscored in March 2016, when it came to light that Iranian hackers who were accused of being tied to the Islamic Republic had attempted to hack into the operating system of the Bowman Avenue Dam north of New York City, as well as into financial conglomerates Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, and HSBC – and the New York Stock Exchange.

Said Attorney General Loretta Lynch:

These attacks were relentless, they were systematic, and they were widespread.

Such attacks, if they had been successful, could have caused catastrophic damage to New York City and the American economy. Yet true to form, the Obama administration only indicted the accused (none of whom it had in custody). He took no measures against the Iranian government.

After 9/11, the U.S. declared war on terror and entered Afghanistan and Iraq. But if Bush had really been serious about attacking jihad terror at its root, he would have invaded Saudi Arabia and Iran instead. Under Obama, the denial and willful ignorance have only gotten exponentially worse.

Hezbollah’s Massive Arms Build-up in Lebanese Civilian Areas

July 19, 2016

Hezbollah’s Massive Arms Build-up in Lebanese Civilian Areas, Front Page MagazineJoseph Klein, July 19, 2016


Every calendar quarter the United Nations Security Council holds an extensive debate on the Israeli-Palestinian “situation.” The Israeli and Palestinian UN representatives make speeches following the Secretary General’s report on the current status, which are normally predictable restatements of their respective positions. This time, however, Israel’s ambassador Danny Danon, addressing the Security Council at its July 12th meeting, presented new graphic evidence of Hezbollah’s alarming arsenal of rockets and missiles located in civilian areas of southern Lebanon.

Ten years ago, when Security Council Resolution 1701 was adopted, ending the war that had broken out between Israel and Hezbollah, the terrorist group was estimated to have had about 7000 rockets. The resolution called for Hezbollah and other armed groups not officially a part of the Lebanese government’s armed forces to relinquish their weapons. Instead, precisely the opposite has happened. Hezbollah never stopped its arms build-up, which has been funded and supplied principally from the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, Iran.

Hezbollah now has approximately 120,000 rockets and missiles aimed at Israeli civilian population centers.  By way of comparison, Ambassador Danon said that “more missiles are hidden underground in 10,000 square kilometers [of Lebanon] than the above-ground 4 million square kilometers” of the European North Atlantic Treaty Organization countries.

Referring to aerial satellite imagery, based on the latest Israeli intelligence, Ambassador Danon demonstrated to the members of the Security Council the location of rocket launchers and arms depots that Hezbollah had placed in civilian areas. “The village of Shaqra has been turned into a Hezbollah stronghold with one out of three buildings used for terror activities, including rocket launchers and arms depots,” Ambassador Danon said.  “Hezbollah has placed these positions next to schools and other public institutions putting innocent civilians in great danger.”

Hezbollah, aided and abetted by Iran, was “committing double war crimes,” the Israeli ambassador charged. “They are attacking civilians, and using Lebanese civilians as human shields,” he said. “We demand the removal of Hezbollah terrorists from southern Lebanon.”

Not surprisingly, Ambassador Danon’s presentation of irrefutable evidence of Hezbollah’s clear and present danger to Israeli and Lebanese civilians, and his demand for Security Council action, fell on deaf ears. In her own statement that followed Ambassador Danon’s remarks, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power said not a word about what was just presented regarding Hezbollah. Instead, she stuck to her canned talking points that continue to draw a moral equivalence between acts of Palestinian terrorism and Israeli self-defense. “In recent months, there’s been a steady stream of violence on both sides of the conflict,” she said. Then Ambassador Power proceeded to criticize the building of Israeli settlements, as if again to draw a moral equivalence between housing construction and terrorism. She assailed what she called Israel’s “systematic process of land seizures, settlement expansions, and legalizations of outposts that is fundamentally undermining the prospects for a two-state solution.” All that Ambassador Power said about Lebanon was to decry the political stalemate in electing a new president and to state that “the United States is helping the Lebanese armed forces build the capabilities necessary to counter violent extremism and protect the Lebanese people.”  If the Obama administration were truly interested in countering “violent extremism” in Lebanon and protecting the Lebanese people, it would start by doing everything possible to eliminate the violent extremist threat posed by Hezbollah’s massive rearmament. That, in turn, would require the Obama administration to reverse its appeasement course towards Iran and tighten, not loosen, the financial screws on the regime.

There is no doubt where the bulk of Hezbollah’s funding and arms is coming from. Even Secretary of State John Kerry acknowledged last January Iran’s leading role in arming Hezbollah.

The terrorist organization’s chief Hasan Nasrallah boasted last month about Iran’s bankrolling its operations:

“We are open about the fact that Hezbollah’s budget, its income, its expenses, everything it eats and drinks, its weapons and rockets, are from the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Nasrallah was quoted by Hezbollah’s official Al Ahed newspaper as saying.  “As long as Iran has money we will have money. Hezbollah gets its money and arms from Iran, as long as Iran has money, so does Hezbollah. We extend gratitude to the Leader Imam, [His Eminence] Sayyed Khamenei, and to the leadership of the Islamic Republic and its government, president, scholars and people for their generous support which has never stopped.”

To add insult to injury, Nasrallah made his remarks while honoring the “martyrdom” of a top Hezbollah terrorist killed in Syria whom has been linked to the 1983 attack on the U.S. Marines barracks in Lebanon. That attack took the lives of 241 Americans. Now, Hezbollah is stronger than ever, with Iran’s “generous support.”

Iran continues to fund global terrorism, with its treasury being replenished thanks to the Obama administration’s largesse.

Turkey: Purge spreads to education sector

July 19, 2016

Turkey to dismiss thousands of deans and educators following attempted coup After firing tens of thousands of military and police officials, judges and lawyers following the unsuccessful coup attempt, Turkey announced that it has now decided to fire thousands of deans and educators from the Turkish education system.

Jul 19, 2016, 7:46PM

Source: Turkey: Purge spreads to education sector | JerusalemOnline

The purge continues. Erdoğan Photo Credit: Reuters / Channel 2 News

The Council of Higher Education in Turkey announced today (Tuesday) that it will be firing 1,577 deans of Turkish academic institution in light of the unsuccessful coup attempt that took place in the country last weekend.

The Turkish News Agency reported that the Council’s announcement followed a Turkish Education Ministry decision, according to which 15,200 educators would be fired. The Ministry claimed that these educators were linked to the conspirators against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

image description
Official documents were submitted for his extradition. Fethullah Gülen Photo Credit: Reuters / Channel 2 News

The newly fired educators joined the ranks of thousands of military and police officials, as well as lawyers and judges, whom Erdoğan instructed to immediately fire after the attempted coup. The Turkish News Agency also reported that the Turkish Communication Ministry revoked the broadcasting license of television channels that “supported or identified with the conspirators against the regime.”

While the purge campaign in the country deepens, CNN reported that Turkey is also continuing its talks with the US in order to bring about the extradition of Fethullah Gülen, the exiled preacher who Erdoğan claims was behind the coup. Ankara has already submitted official documents to the US as part of the formal request to extradite Gülen, which according to the Turks include evidence that links him to the coup attempt.

Turkish naval ships & choppers reportedly missing since botched coup, Turkey Deputy PM denies

July 19, 2016

Turkish naval ships & choppers reportedly missing since botched coup, Turkey Deputy PM denies

Published time: 19 Jul, 2016 11:11 Edited time: 19 Jul, 2016 13:44

Source: Turkish naval ships & choppers reportedly missing since botched coup, Turkey Deputy PM denies — RT News

FILE PHOTO, Turkish frigate F-495 TCG Gediz. © Wikipedia

Turkey’s navy is still unable to account for 14 ships, while two helicopters with 25 special forces troops are also missing since an unsuccessful coup plot against the government. However, Deputy PM Numan Kurtulmus has denied any naval vessels are unaccounted for.

With suspicions growing that the commanders of the vessels could have been behind a coup plot against the Turkish government and are now seeking asylum at Greek ports.

The ships were on duty in either the Aegean or the Black Seas on Friday before the coup to oust President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took place. However, they have failed to return to port, though in theory radar and satellite tracking technology should be able to determine their locations, according to a report in the Times newspaper.

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A Turkish F-16 fighter jet © Murad Sezer

It is believed that the ships could be heading towards Greek ports.

The Turkish deputy prime minister, Numan Kurtulmus, has dismissed reports that any naval vessels have gone missing. However, he did not give any further details as to their current location.

Eight Turkish military officers have already sought asylum in Greece after landing in the country on Saturday, where they were subsequently arrested.

The Turkish ambassador to Greece, Kerim Uras, has told the Greek authorities that the soldiers who fled to Greece will have a “fair and transparent trial in Turkey.”

He added that if the soldiers are not returned Turkey, this would not help bilateral relations between the two countries.

Meanwhile, the fate of the commander of the Turkish Navy Admiral Veysel Kosele, who has not been heard from since the attempted coup took place, is still unknown. It is also unclear if he took any part in the action against the president or whether he is being held against his will.

According to reports within the Turkish media, Admiral Kosele was tricked onto his ship by those supporting the coup who told him that a terrorist attack was taking place.

Two helicopters and 25 Special Forces troops are also missing since the failed coup, according to a report by the Hurriyet newspaper. It was reported that they were heading for a raid to target Erdogan in Marmaris, where he was enjoying a vacation.

A spokesman for the Turkish president said on Tuesday that 14 soldiers have been detained over the attempted attack on the head of state, but some of the group are still at large, Reuters reports.

Read more

© Medya Gundem

The EU and NATO both said they do not know anything about the missing vessels or planes, the chief spokesperson for the European Commission, Margaritis Schinas, told journalists on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Greek Defense Ministry says it is unaware of any Turkish ships that have tried to enter its ports following the attempted coup.

“We are looking out for every ship. We had information from talks that took place that at one point they wanted to enter Greece’s territorial waters. However, this did not happen,” a source told RIA Novosti.

The most senior military figure to be arrested since the coup, General Akin Ozturk, the former air force chief, has already appeared in court. He has denied being the mastermind behind the plot.

Meanwhile, a purge of various Turkish government institutions has been taking place following the failed coup d’etat. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim says 7,543 people have so far been detained, including 6,038 soldiers. A court also remanded 26 generals and admirals in custody on Monday.

A senior security official told Reuters that 8,000 police officers, including in the capital, Ankara, and the biggest city, Istanbul, had been removed from duty.

About 1,500 Finance Ministry officials had been suspended, a ministry official said, and CNN Turk said 30 governors and more than 50 high-ranking civil servants had been dismissed. Annual leave was suspended for more than 3 million civil servants, while close to 3,000 judges and prosecutors have been suspended.

Plagiarism? Please.

July 19, 2016

Plagiarism? Please, Power LineJohn Hinderaker, July 19, 2016

(Here’s Mrs. Trump’s full speech at the RNC convention.

— DM)

Within minutes after Melania Trump’s outstanding speech at the GOP convention last night, Democrats and anti-Trump commentators were accusing her of plagiarizing portions of a paragraph, i.e. a few phrases and sentence fragments, from Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech. Here is the comparison, a brief portion of Michelle Obama’s speech with the words that Melania Trump duplicated in bold, via the Weekly Standard:

And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you wantin life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them.

And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

It is likely that either Mrs. Trump or her speechwriter researched convention speeches given by other prospective first ladies, and she or the speechwriter may have cribbed a few phrases and sentence fragments from Mrs. Obama. That said, the sentiments are so commonplace that they probably could be drawn from any of a hundred speeches. But, is this supposed to be some kind of scandal? One could probably think of a less important issue, but it would take a while. And I wouldn’t think that either Barack Obama or Joe Biden would want to start a conversation about plagiarism.

More significantly, I think that most commentators are drawing precisely the wrong lesson from a comparison between Mrs. Trump’s speech and Mrs. Obama. The New York Times, for example, headlines: “Melania Trump’s Speech Bears Striking Similarities to Michelle Obama’s in 2008.” No: what Melania Trump intended to draw (or, in any event, did draw) was a sharp contrast between herself and Michelle Obama.

Michelle Obama’s best-remembered public pronouncement is her statement that “[f]or the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country.” Why? Because her husband was nominated for president. The heart of Melania Trump’s speech, on the other hand, was not the lines that she may have borrowed from Michelle Obama, but rather this tribute to America, delivered by an immigrant:

After living and working in Milan and Paris, I arrived in New York City twenty years ago, and I saw both the joys and the hardships of daily life. On July 28th, 2006, I was very proud to become a citizen of the United States — the greatest privilege on planet Earth. I cannot, or will not, take the freedoms this country offers for granted.

Do you think Michelle Obama (or Barack, for that matter) thinks it is the greatest privilege on planet Earth to be an American? No, I don’t either. I suspect that one of Melania Trump’s principal objectives in her speech was to draw that contrast between herself and Mr. and Mrs. Obama.

For now, at least, it seems that the Democrats have successfully negated Melania Trump’s strong performance last night. We probably shouldn’t be surprised: it wouldn’t be the Trump campaign, after all, if a stupid, self-imposed distraction didn’t cancel out a lot of good work. But over time, voters may be reminded of the real difference between Mrs. Trump and Mrs. Obama. That contrast is not entirely insignificant, because of the light it sheds, indirectly, on the vast philosophical differences between Mr. Trump and the current occupant of the White House.

How the Media Covers up Muslim and #Blacklivesmatter Terrorism

July 19, 2016

How the Media Covers up Muslim and #Blacklivesmatter Terrorism, Front Page Magazine, Daniel Greenfield, July 19, 2016


No sooner are the bloodstains and bits of human flesh hosed off the concrete from the latest Muslim or #BlackLivesMatter terrorist attack and the grieving families ushered through the cold metal doors of impersonal morgues to identify the bodies of their loved ones that the vultures of the media rise above a wounded city and begin spinning the same old lies.

The propaganda, the artful selection and deselection of facts, have become as familiar to us as they were to any of the residents of the Soviet Union or North Korea. Anyone who pays attention knows not only that they are being lied to, but can easily predict the lies that they will be told on the evening news even before they actually hear them being spoken out loud.

We always knew that the Muslim terrorist, even before he was identified, would turn out to be a secular loner who was depressed over his family life. All the media had to do with Mohammed Bouhlel, the Islamic terrorist who murdered 84 people in Nice, France was to replay the same exact narrative as the one that they had fed us with Omar Mateen, the Islamic terrorist who murdered 49 people in Orlando.

Irreligious, depressed loner with family problems. Check. No connection to Islamic terrorism. Suggestion of mental illness. Check and check. Insistence on his lack of interest in religion? One final check.

Mohammed shouted “Allahu Akbar,” the ancient Muslim battle cry that originated with Mohammed’s murder of Jews whose meaning is that Allah is greater than the deities of non-Muslims, but the media persists in its dedication to burying the truth in a shallow unmarked grave at midnight behind CNN headquarters.

Gavin Eugene Long aka Cosmo Setepenra, who murdered three police officers in Baton Rouge, was also unstable. Much like Dallas cop-killer Micah Johnson, who was also another “unstable loner.”

What do Mohammed and Gavin, Micah and Omar all have in common? They’re inconvenient killers.

The left supports the ideologies, black nationalism and Islam, in whose name they carried out their crimes so the media has to redirect attention away from the ideology to the individual.

It doesn’t matter that the killers were very clear about their motives. What matters is hiding the truth.

Every Muslim or #BlackLivesMatter terrorist is just a crazy, depressed loner unable to cope with life’s problems. Descriptions emphasize that they were not part of a group; particularly the groups that the media is attempting to carry water for. Instead Micah Johnson was “reclusive” even though he spent his time partying with a laundry list of racist black nationalist groups, including the New Black Panther Party.

Omar Mateen was a “loner.” Mohammed Bouhlel, the Nice killer, was a “troubled, angry loner with little interest in Islam”. Or perhaps he was a “bitter loner” or even a “weird loner” who became “depressed.”

The key word here is “loner.” Loners aren’t part of a group. When you call a Muslim terrorism a loner or a #BlackLivesMatter terrorist “reclusive”, then there’s no need to look at the movement they were part of. Loners have no movements. Neither do recluses. They’re just “weird” and “unstable” people who go crazy for incomprehensible reasons.

Like depression. Or the weather.

Propaganda rarely gets more obvious than this.

And it’s not just the media. The “troubled loner” narrative comes from the very top down.

Obama insisted that it was “very hard to untangle the motives” of the Dallas cop killer and that he would leave it to “psychologists” but that “the danger is that we somehow suggest the act of a troubled individuals speaks to some larger political statement across the country.”

Micah Johnson had been very clear about his motives. He was a black nationalist activist angry about #BlackLivesMatter issues who said that he wanted to kill white police officers.

Obama contended that Johnson was clearly crazy because, “By definition if you shoot people who pose no threat to you, you have a troubled mind.” By that definition, the Nazis were all “troubled.”

But Obama had cultivated no similar ambiguity after the Charleston massacre. Instead in his eulogy he said that Dylann Storm Roof “surely sensed the meaning of his violent act.  It was an act that drew on a long history of bombs and arson and shots fired at churches, not random, but as a means of control, a way to terrorize and oppress.”

And then he demanded that after the actions of one “troubled loner,” the Confederate flag had to come down across the country.

But not all troubled loners are created equal.

Roof’s massacre was part of a larger pattern and a bigger history. But each act of Islamic terrorism or black nationalist violence is purely of the moment and has no larger meaning. Its perpetrators are crazy and their political motives don’t matter. Even though Islamic terrorism has over 1,000 years of history behind it and violence associated with black nationalist groups goes back quite far, neither really exists.

Once again this is what propaganda looks like.

The “troubled loner” narrative is a tactical weapon of spin. When the killer is ideologically convenient, then he’s not a troubled loner, but a representative of a larger political movement. When he’s ideologically inconvenient, then his ideology will hardly be mentioned, only his personal problems.

Your average political terrorist who is willing to kill a bunch of people over the weekend will generally not have the perfect life sitting in his vest pocket. The odds will be very good that his apartment will be messy, his personal life messier and that plenty of people will remember him as a loner or strange.

Of course the same thing could have been said about Adolf Hitler and much of the Nazi elite.

Political radicalism attracts unstable people. This does not mean that we can ignore the ideologies of political radicals by reducing them to personal pathologies. Doing so with a political movement is dishonest and futile. The Nazis could not have been defeated by pretending that they didn’t exist.

It’s the political allies of a terrorist movement who are most likely to play the game of pretending that ideological atrocities are really personal quirks. And that we should focus on the latter not the former.

The media spin on Micah Johnson and Eugene Gavin Long, Omar Mateen and Mohammed Bouhlel is propaganda with a purpose. The purpose is protecting the media’s political allies from being linked to the atrocities being committed by their friendly neighborhood Islamists and black nationalists.

Every Muslim and black nationalist terrorist is crazy. Because the alternative is admitting that both movements use violence to achieve their goals. And that their political allies on the left are complicit in their crimes.

As the violence increases, so do the cover-ups. Anyone who reaches the obvious conclusion about Islamic terrorism and #BlackLivesMatter is dubbed a bigot. A rash of politically motivated killers are dismissed as lunatics. Gun control is revived, not just for its own sake, but as a convenient distraction.

Just as the crimes of Communism dragged the left deeper into the cover-up with each bloody year, so too the crimes of Islam and black nationalism stain the left’s hands a darker shade of red every single month. And eventually there will be no choice left but to bring down the curtain and tell the truth.

German train attack: IS releases video of ‘Afghan knifeman’ – BBC News

July 19, 2016

Source: German train attack: IS releases video of ‘Afghan knifeman’ – BBC News

The so-called Islamic State has released a video purporting to show an Afghan asylum seeker making threats before attacking a German train.

The 17-year-old injured four people with an axe and knife, one critically, in the attack in Wuerzburg on Monday evening. He was shot dead by police.

In the video, a young man brandishing a knife says he is an “IS soldier” preparing for a suicide mission.

German officials say they later found a hand-painted IS flag in his room.

The teenager reportedly shouted the Islamic phrase “Allahu akbar” (“God is great”) during the attack.

The self-styled news agency of IS said he had launched the attack “in answer to the calls to target the countries of the coalition fighting the Islamic State”.

The attack comes days after a lorry ploughed into a crowd in Nice in France, killing 84 people. The self-styled Islamic State group said one of its followers had carried out that attack.


In the video, IS identified the attacker as Muhammad Riyad, who can be heard speaking Pashto.

Joachim Herrmann, the interior minister of the state of Bavaria, said the flag had been found among the teenager’s belongings in his room in his foster home in the nearby town of Ochsenfurt.

A text written in Pashtun was also found, he said, and it showed a strong indication that the teenager “could be a person who had been self-radicalised”.

Mr Herrmann said those who had interacted with the young man in recent months described him as calm and quiet and they could not understand his actions.

The teenager had gone to the mosque “on special occasions”, he said, but no-one had noticed any radical behaviour and there were no signs yet of a direct link to jihadist networks.

Mr Herrmann said there was no indication Chinese citizens had been specifically targeted.

He also defended the police who shot the attacker, saying the teenager had run at officers brandishing the axe.

The Afghan teenager, who had claimed asylum after travelling to Germany a year ago as an unaccompanied minor, had been living with the foster family since moving from a refugee centre in the town two weeks ago.

Last year Germany registered more than one million migrants, including more than 150,000 Afghans, although the number has slowed dramatically this year since new EU measures were taken to stop the flow.

An ever-present division – Damien McGuinness, BBC News, Berlin

To get a feeling for the wider ramifications of this attack in Germany, you just need to take a quick look at Twitter in German. Racist and xenophobic comments against asylum seekers compete with equally impassioned arguments in support of refugees – including a tweet by Green MP Renate Kuenast asking why police had killed the attacker rather then injuring him.

This has provoked in turn another storm online, saying the perpetrator is getting more sympathy than the victims.

Over the past few months, since the EU agreed a deal with Turkey, numbers of migrants coming to Germany have dropped dramatically. And the issue has vanished from the front pages. The debate had shifted to a more nuanced one about how best to integrate the new arrivals. And the ferocity, fear and sometimes hate appeared to have dissipated. But the news that the attacker was an unaccompanied underage refugee shows that the division running through Germany about Angela Merkel’s stance on refugees is still very much there.

The South China Morning Post said it was believed four of the people injured were a 62-year-old man, his 58-year-old wife, their daughter, 27, and her boyfriend, 31, from Hong Kong. The 17-year-old son travelling with them was not hurt, it said.

A source told the paper the father and boyfriend had tried to protect the other members of the group.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has condemned the attack and expressed his sympathy to the victims. Immigration officials from the city will accompany family members to Germany.

Young migrants in Europe

Unaccompanied minors (UAMs)


UAMs applied for asylum in Europe, including Norway and Switzerland in 2015


increase on applications in 2014

  • 10,040 unaccompanied children applied for asylum in Germany in 2015
  • 50% of all UAMs who came to Europe last year were from Afghanistan
  • 15,500 unaccompanied children were registered in Bavaria, southern Germany in March 2016
  • 1/2 were from Afghanistan

Another woman was injured outside the train as the man fled. Fourteen people were treated for shock.

The attack happened at about 21:15 (19:15 GMT) on the train which runs between Treuchlingen and Wuerzburg.

Police said the attacker had fled the train but was chased by officers who shot him dead.

One local man told DPA news agency that the train carriage where the attack took place had “looked like a slaughterhouse”.

In May, a man reportedly shouting “Allahu akbar” killed a man and wounded three others in a knife attack at a railway station near the German city of Munich.

He was later sent to a psychiatric hospital and authorities said they had found no links to Islamic extremism.