Posted tagged ‘Cuba’

Nikki Haley Uses A Blowtorch On Barack Obama At The United Nations

November 3, 2017

Nikki Haley Uses A Blowtorch On Barack Obama At The United Nations, Red Statestreiff, November 2, 2017

(So much for UN “virtue signaling” by supporting the Castro regime. I wish Ms. Haley were our Secretary of State. — DM)

When the United States abstained on this resolution last year, its decision was explained by saying, “We recognize that the future of the island lies in the hands of the Cuban people.” There is a casual cruelty to that remark for which I am profoundly sorry. Regrettably, as of today, the future of Cuba is not in your hands. It remains in the hands of your dictators. The United States opposes this resolution today in continued solidarity with the Cuban people and in the hope that they will one day be free to choose their own destiny.


One of the many parts of Barack Obama’s strategy of dismantling US foreign policy and influence in the world was his attempt to “normalize” relations with Communist Cuba.

Much like his decision to allow Iran build nuclear weapons and establish itself as the main regional power in southwest Asia, Obama’s sucking up to the Castros was based on the theory that the US has been a meanie pants and if we are good, they will reciprocate. Just like with Iran, we gave our part up front and relied on reciprocation at some point in the future. Just like with Iran, they got financial relief and we got porked.

Yesterday marked the twenty-sixth time that the United Nations General Assembly has taken up a Cuban resolution condemning the United States for its economic and financial embargo on Cuba. In every year except last year, the US has vetoed against the resolution. Every year it passes because the US cannot veto a resolution by the General Assembly, but last year, for the first time, the US abstained.

The U.N. General Assembly votes every year on a resolution calling for an end to the U.S. embargo on Cuba. The U.S. has always opposed the symbolic measure.

But today, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N Samantha Power told the General Assembly that for the first time, the U.S. would abstain.

It’s part of a new approach by the Obama administration, she told the member states: “Rather than try to close off Cuba from the rest of the world, we want the world of opportunities and ideas open to the people of Cuba. After 50-plus years of pursuing the path of isolation, we have chosen to take the path of engagement.”

The vote was 191-0. Israel joined the U.S. in abstaining.

Yesterday was not last year.

Ambassador Nikki Haley came out loaded for bear and her aim was not only on the Castro regime, it was on Barack Obama, himself, for allowing last year’s vote against freedom to prevail. Haley’s speech and entire transcript are at the end. Here are some of the highlights:

For over fifty-five years, the Cuban Regime has used this debate In the United Nations General Assembly as a “shiny object” to distract the world’s attention from the destruction it has inflicted on its own people and on others in the Western Hemisphere.

For this, each year, this assembly’s time is wasted considering this resolution. And the United States is subjected to all manner of ridiculous claims. Anything to deflect the blame from the regime that is truly responsible for the suffering of the Cuban people. But the United States will not be distracted. We will not lose sight of what stands between the Cuban people and the free and democratic future that is their right.

No doubt there will be some here who do not understand how we can take such opposite positions, separated by just twelve months. They will wonder how we could passively accept this resolution last year and energetically oppose it this year.

To those who are confused as to where the United States stands, let me be clear: As is their right under our Constitution, the American people have spoken. They have chosen a new president, and he has chosen a new ambassador to the United Nations.

This Assembly does not have the power to end the US embargo. It is based in US law which only the United States Congress can change. No, what the General Assembly is doing today, what it does every year at this time, is political theater.

When the United States abstained on this resolution last year, its decision was explained by saying, “We recognize that the future of the island lies in the hands of the Cuban people.” There is a casual cruelty to that remark for which I am profoundly sorry. Regrettably, as of today, the future of Cuba is not in your hands. It remains in the hands of your dictators. The United States opposes this resolution today in continued solidarity with the Cuban people and in the hope that they will one day be free to choose their own destiny.

We might stand alone today. But when the day of freedom comes for the Cuban people — and it will come — we will rejoice with them as only a free people can.

There has probably never been a clearer repudiation of the foreign policy of a previous administration than what Haley delivered. From telling the UN to bugger off, to reminding them there is a new president, to referring to Samantha Power’s comments as “casual cruelty” the condemnation could not be more stark.

I think I need a cigarette.


I’ve included time hacks to the best parts of the transcript.

Transcript (please credit, this was a lot of keyboarding.)

For over fifty-five years, the Cuban Regime has used this debate In the United Nations General Assembly as a “shiny object” to distract the world’s attention from the destruction it has inflicted on its own people and on others in the Western Hemisphere.

Even during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Castro dictatorship allowed the Soviet Union to secretly install nuclear missiles in Cuba, the Cuban regime and Soviet allies claimed that the real threat to peace wasn’t the missiles aimed at America, the real threat, they said, was the United States discovery of these missiles. At the time, the US ambassador to the United Nations, Adlai Stevenson, identified the Cuban regime’s habit of pointing fingers anywhere but at itself. He said, “This is the first time I’ve ever heard it said that the crime is not the burglar but the discovery of the burglar. And the threat is not the clandestine missiles in Cuba, but their discovery and the limited measures taken to quarantine further infection.”

Today the crime is the Cuban government’s continued repression of its people and its failure to meet even the minimum requirements of a free and just society. Out response has been to stand with the Cuban people and their right to determine their own future.

For this, each year, this assembly’s time is wasted considering this resolution. And the United States is subjected to all manner of ridiculous claims. Anything to deflect the blame from the regime that is truly responsible for the suffering of the Cuban people. But the United States will not be distracted. We will not lose sight of what stands between the Cuban people and the free and democratic future that is their right.

For that reason, and for the twenty-fifth time in twenty-six years the United States will vote against this resolution.

One year ago, the United States abstained when voting on the same resolution. The reason given was that the continuation of the embargo was not isolating Cuba but was in fact isolating the United States. It is true that we had been left nearly alone in opposition to this annual resolution. (time hack 2:34) No doubt there will be some here who do not understand how we can take such opposite positions, separated by just twelve months. They will wonder how we could passively accept this resolution last year and energetically oppose it this year.

To those who are confused as to where the United States stands, let me be clear: As is their right under our Constitution, the American people have spoken. They have chosen a new president, and he has chosen a new ambassador to the United Nations.

As long as the Cuban people continue to be deprived of their human rights and fundamental freedoms — as long as the proceeds from trade with Cuba go to prop up the dictatorial regime responsible for denying those rights — the United States does not fear isolation in this chamber or anywhere else. Our principles are not up for a vote. They are enshrined in our Constitution. They also happen to be enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. As long as we are members of the United Nations, we will stand for respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms that the Member States of this body have pledged to protect, even if we have to stand alone.

The resolution before us aims to end the United States economic, commercial, and financial embargo against Cuba. But let’s be honest about what we really see going on here. (time hack 4:16) This Assembly does not have the power to end the US embargo. It is based in US law which only the United States Congress can change. No, what the General Assembly is doing today, what it does every year at this time, is political theater.

The Cuban regime is sending the warped message to the world that the sad state of its economy, the oppression of its people, and the export of its destructive ideology is not its fault.

In the spirit of sending messages, I would like to direct the rest of my comments towards the Cuban people. The American people strongly support your dreams to live in a country where you can speak freely, where you can have uncensored access to the Internet, where you can provide for your families, and where you can determine your leadership. We know that many of you have been made hopeful by the opening of diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba. That status is not changing. Our friendship and good will toward the Cuban people remain as strong as ever.

What you probably don’t know is that your government responded to this gesture of goodwill, not by joining in the spirit in which it was offered, but by expanding its politically motivated detentions. Harassment of those who advocate for political and economic freedom in Cuba. What you can’t know, because your government won’t let you know, is there were credible reports of almost 10,000 politically motivated detentions in Cuba in 2016 alone. That’s a massive increase in detentions over recent years.

We had hoped outreach to your government would be met with greater freedom for you. Your government silences its critics. It disrupts peaceful assemblies. It censors independent journalists and rigs the economy so the government alone prospers.

Your government has exported its bankrupt, destructive ideology to Venezuela. It has taught the Maduro regime how to silence journalists, crack down on political opposition, and impoverish its people. Now millions of Venezuelans join you in being denied their basic rights.

As we speak here today, your government is busy choosing the successor to the Castor dictatorship. It is hoping to fool you into believing you have a voice by holding local and regional, so-called, elections. But the process you engaged in are not freedom. The results were determined before the first vote was cast.

(time hack 7:20) When the United States abstained on this resolution last year, its decision was explained by saying, “We recognize that the future of the island lies in the hands of the Cuban people.” There is a casual cruelty to that remark for which I am profoundly sorry. Regrettably, as of today, the future of Cuba is not in your hands. It remains in the hands of your dictators. The United States opposes this resolution today in continued solidarity with the Cuban people and in the hope that they will one day be free to choose their own destiny.

We might stand alone today. But when the day of freedom comes for the Cuban people — and it will come — we will rejoice with them as only a free people can.

Trump on Cuba: ‘Communism Is the Past, Freedom Is the Future’

October 6, 2017

Trump on Cuba: ‘Communism Is the Past, Freedom Is the Future’, Washington Free Beacon, October 6, 2017


President Donald Trump slammed Cuba’s communist government on Friday, saying that “communism is the past” and “freedom is the future.”

Trump spoke at the White House at a gathering for Hispanic heritage, where he said the United States hopes for freedom in the entire Western hemisphere, including Cuba and Venezuela.

“As I announced before a wonderful crowd in Little Havana earlier this year, we will not lift sanctions on the Cuban regime until it delivers full political freedom for the Cuban people,” Trump said. “The same failed communist ideology that has brought oppression to Cuba has brought nothing but suffering and misery everywhere and everyplace it has been anywhere in the world.”

“Communism is the past; freedom is the future,” Trump said to applause from the audience.

Trump then turned to Venezuela, saying its socialist government is responsible for the South American country’s turmoil.

“We also stand with the people of Venezuela who are suffering under the ruthless socialism of the Maduro regime,” Trump said. “We reject socialist oppression and we call for the restoration of democracy and freedom for the citizens of Venezuela.”

The crowd in the White House cheered loudly during Trump’s remarks.

Humor | Coast Guard intercepts millennial migrant vessel trying to flee to Cuba

June 29, 2017

Coast Guard intercepts millennial migrant vessel trying to flee to Cuba, Duffel Blog, June 29, 2017

MIAMI — A month after a report regarding the Coast Guard seeing a decrease in Cuban migration, a U.S. Coast Guard crew and surrounded a group of American millennial migrants off Sands Key, Florida Thursday afternoon.

A Coast Guard helicopter was over the water as the crew of the vessel was seen trying to get cell phone reception about two miles away from the island around 2 p.m. About seven men and two women were seen on the boat which was described as a makeshift outboard with a “Vote for Bernie” and “War is Terrorism” bumper sticker on the hull. The group was trying to reach Cuba when they were intercepted by a U.S. Coast Guard cutter and a U.S. Customs & Border Protection vessel.

“We immediately launched two Coast Guard small boats off our vessel, along with our law enforcement partners in the Miami area who responded to the scene,” said Lt. Commander Dave McKim with the U.S. Coast Guard. “They seemed to have been fleeing from what they call an insane dictator running a totalitarian regime.”

Coast Guard officials said at first the group refused to stop but complied after guardsmen told them over a loudspeaker that Arcade Fire was putting out a new album. Once the migrants stopped, officials said they discovered several reusable Whole Foods bags filled with kale chips and kombucha as well as worn copy of High Times.

“They were wearing scarves, Birkenstocks, and all appeared to have dreadlocks. It’s a tough spot. Our men and women displayed tremendous professionalism with these migrants despite the fact they smelt like a drifter tent filled with diarrhea,” said McKim.

Following the incident, U.S. Customs and Border Protection issued a statement:

“U.S. Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Operations’ agents encountered a non-compliant vessel packed with stinky hippies who were trying to flee to Cuba. Millennial Migrant interdiction agents successfully deployed the Dank Weed Launcher System tool to interdict the vessel.”

Under the Black Hippie Foot policy, the group was brought to the nearest concert festival and set free among their kind, who embraced them with good vibes. The U.S. Coast Guard overheard the group planning a second attempt, saying that their very lives would be at risk when Trump launches his Anti-Liberal Death Squads before going to war with North Korea. Authorities were searching for two more members in the group but apparently refused to step foot on the vessel due to “extreme sea sickness” and “lack of access to quinoa bowls.”

The U.S. Coast Guard says the number of American millennial migrants trying to make it to Cuba has increased, keeping their crews busy.

“We have seen a steady increase in the number of millennial migrants who feel as though their rights are slowly being stripped away. We’ve also seen an increase in a crippling fear of living in Florida,” said McKim.


Flashback: Obama Stranded Legal Cuban Travelers in Airports on Last Week in Office

January 30, 2017

Flashback: Obama Stranded Legal Cuban Travelers in Airports on Last Week in Office, BreitbartFrances Martel, January 30, 2017

(But that was different! Cubans fleeing persecution in the Castro Brothers’ Cuba weren’t potential terrorists and might become good American citizens and even vote Republican. — DM)

As the radical left organizes obstructions of airport terminals to protest President Donald Trump’s executive order enacting new security measures for travelers visiting from turbulent countries, few appear equally outraged that his predecessor, Barack Obama, issued a similar directive specifically targeting Cubans.

During his last week in office, President Obama repealed a long-standing executive order known as “Wet Foot/Dry Foot,” which allowed all Cubans legally touching U.S. soil to stay here illegally. The objective of the executive order was to give sanctuary to Cubans risking their lives on makeshift vessels trying to sail to the United States and escape the oppressive communist regime that has governed there for over half a century.

The move did not trigger widespread national protests in defense of the Cubans affected, even as U.S. immigration officials – confused by the lack of direction in Obama’s order – detained and interrogated countless travelers possessing legal visas to enter the United States. Many of these were elderly individuals, traveling to visit their children with no intention of stay.

The only activists who spoke up for them were members of the Cuban exile community, who told their stories to local press. Democracy Movement leader Ramón Saúl Sánchez – who the Obama administration threatened with deportation after 49 years in the United States – told Miami’s El Nuevo Herald that the individuals he was advocating for were stuck in airport interrogation rooms, their families panicked and receiving few updates.

“These Cuban travelers have tourism visas. They are being detained or deported,” Sánchez said on January 15. “Those being detained within the airport include people of advanced age, including one blind man, many of them ill.” He added that many elderly Cubans with whom he spoke after being released from interrogation were threatened with being detained in an immigration center, leaving them thinking, “if you’re going to throw me in jail just send me back.”

Relatives of those detained told their stories to the media. 67-year-old Justina Barroso Rodríguez, who suffers from hypertension, was placed in a jail awaiting deportation upon arriving in the United States on January 13. Her son, Danilo Alemán, told the Diario Las Americas that he had received little information on the matter, only that the repeal of “wet foot/dry foot” led to her detention.

“I would like to know, how would President Obama feel if it was his mother in the conditions my mother is currently in?” Alemán asked.

A 73-year-old Cuban woman who was fortunate enough to be released told Miami’s América TeVe that she was kept in isolation an entire day without foot. She refused to give the network her name and said she did not know when she had been initially detained, though she estimated it had occurred around 10AM local time and she had been released long after the sun had set. She possessed a legal visa, and said her crime was to mention the 1966 Cuban Adjustment Act to an immigration official.

Those flying into Miami were among the luckiest Cubans following President Obama’s directive, even as their legal U.S. visas were not enough to prevent them from being detained. Cubans who had begun their journey to the United States through Central America and Mexico – who would have been able to enter the United States and legally stay there before President Obama’s last week in office, are now stranded throughout the region, held in dilapidated detention centers and threatened with deportation back into a communist autocracy.

In Panama, 18 Cuban refugees declared themselves on hunger strike this week, protesting the government’s refusal to grant them access to an attorney and forcing them into conditions with little food or basic hygienic necessities. The protest triggered another hunger strike at a detention center in Panama by anti-communist activists who fled Cuba to avoid becoming prisoners of conscience. “We are taking this measure for our freedom, because we cannot return to Cuba,” one of the individuals said in a statement.

The protesters alleged that Panamanian authorities had confiscated their passports and abandoned many in the dense forestry near the Colombian border. “They are putting us on trucks and letting us loose in the middle of the jungle,” one protester said, while another noted that those abandoned in such a way are left “without food, without water, they do not care if we are sick or injured.”

In Mexico, a country with a record of treating migrants inhumanely, Cubans seeking to cross the northern border into the United States are also stranded. “Many of us will die if we were to go to Cuba,” refugee Rodolfo Muñoz told local outlet KVUE this week. He and his wife, like many Cubans, are stranded in Nuevo Laredo, where the U.S. government has refused to let them pass. U.S. Customs and Border Protection declined an interview on the subject with the broadcast station. In a widely distributed statement, the agency said that Cubans have the option of filing a petition the enter the country based on a political asylum claim, but they risk months in a “detention facility” if they express their fear of political persecution to authorities.

Mexico has already begun to deport dozens of refugees back to Cuba, where the government executes thousands of politically-motivated arrests annually. Mexican authorities deported 70 Cuban refugees last Wednesday, with many more expected to be repatriated soon.

This appears to have been the Obama administration’s intended result. “We will have to get involved with the Central American and Mexican governments to promote the idea of a secure, orderly, legal migration or restricting or repatriating irregular immigrants,” an unnamed State Department official told El Nuevo Herald in July 2016, referring to the refugees as “immigrants.”

Some of those stranded in Mexico and Central America have protested that the treatment of Cubans under the Obama administration, which differed significantly from the welcoming attitude the administration had towards other Latin American immigrants, was a result of Cuban-Americans’ embrace of conservative values. A result of a combination of factors – from the massacre of Cuban patriots under Democrat John F. Kennedy at Bay of Pigs to the Democratic-majority Congressional Black Caucus’ embrace of Fidel Castro – Cuban-American voters are largely conservative on foreign policy issues and lean Republican. The final tally of November election results showed Cubans more likely to support Republican candidate Donald Trump than even non-Hispanic white Americans. These facts were not lost on some refugees traveling north.

“Obama, because he is leaving, suddenly takes up the idea of repealing a law that has been enforced for many years and has favored many Cubans. I think he got angry with the Cubans,” Cuban refugee Jose Enrique Manresa said, shortly after President Obama’s move prevented him from entering the country. “It is a reprisal.”

Adding insult to injury, the Obama administration presided over an unprecedented surge in recent years in Cuban refugee flows into the United States, a direct result of his policy of appeasement towards the Castro regime. In his last days in office, President Obama also signed an agreement emboldening the Cuban Coast Guard to conduct joint “rescue” operations in international waters, despite Havana’s multiple mass murders of refugees and Cuban-American activists at sea.

Off Topic? | Obama Blocks Cubans Fleeing Regime, Scraps Defectors Program

January 13, 2017

Obama Blocks Cubans Fleeing Regime, Scraps Defectors Program, PJ Media, Bridget Johnson, January 12, 2017

(Obama welcomes Islamists who hate America and all for which she stands, while rejecting Cubans fleeing a Communist dictatorship in hopes of living and prospering in a free country.  Please see also, Obama Feeds Cuba’s Firing Squads — DM)

cubanrefugeesA group of men from Cuba hug after coming ashore in Key West, Fla., in June 2016. (Mike Hentz, Key West Citizen via AP)

Menendez said the eliminated policies “reflect our commitment to the values of liberty and democracy.”

“We should never deny a Cuban refugee fleeing a brutal regime entry into the United States. We must remind ourselves every day of the continued oppression and human suffering that is happening – not only halfway around the world, but just 90 miles off our shores. The ongoing repressive behavior of the Cuban regime still haunts our hemisphere today,” the New Jersey Dem said. “The fact is the recent ill-conceived changes in American policy towards Cuba have rewarded the regime with an economic lifeline while leaving everyday Cubans less hopeful about their futures under a brutal totalitarian dictatorship.”

“And while more needs to be done to prevent the small universe arriving from Cuba who may seek to exploit the privileges and freedoms that come with the ‘wet-foot/dry-foot’ policy, those few actors should not destroy our efforts to protect the many who are forced to flee persecution.”


WASHINGTON — President Obama today revoked the “wet-foot/dry-foot” policy that has provided refuge for Cubans escaping the communist island since the mid-1990s, prompting Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) to accuse the administration of turning its back on people fleeing persecution.

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), whose family fled Cuba when she was 7 years old, declared that Obama eliminated the refugee policy, and the Cuban Medical Professional Parole program that encouraged defections of doctors and nurses working abroad, “because that’s what the Cuban dictatorship wanted and the White House caved to what Castro wants.”

“Castro uses refugees as pawns to get more concessions from Washington so there is no reason to do away with the Cuban medical doctor program, which is a foolhardy concession to a regime that sends its doctors to foreign nations in a modern-day indentured servitude,” Ros-Lehtinen said.

The Department of Homeland Security said the programs were scrapped for the sake of “ongoing normalization of relations between the governments of the United States and Cuba” and “a commitment to have a broader immigration policy in which we treat people from different countries consistently.”

“The United States will now treat Cuban migrants in a manner consistent with how it treats others; unauthorized migrants can expect to be removed unless they qualify for humanitarian relief under our laws,” DHS said in a statement, adding that the Cuban government “has agreed to begin to accept the return of Cuban nationals who have been ordered removed.”

“Cuba and the United States will work to further discourage unlawful migration to the United States and promote bilateral cooperation to prevent and prosecute alien smuggling and other crimes related to illegal migration.”

Obama said the policies were “designed for a different era” and the elimination of the medical parole program was for the benefit of Cubans. “By providing preferential treatment to Cuban medical personnel, the medical parole program contradicts those efforts, and risks harming the Cuban people,” he said. “Cuban medical personnel will now be eligible to apply for asylum at U.S. embassies and consulates around the world, consistent with the procedures for all foreign nationals.”

“With this change we will continue to welcome Cubans as we welcome immigrants from other nations, consistent with our laws,” the president added. “During my administration, we worked to improve the lives of the Cuban people – inside of Cuba – by providing them with greater access to resources, information and connectivity to the wider world. Sustaining that approach is the best way to ensure that Cubans can enjoy prosperity, pursue reforms, and determine their own destiny.”

On a White House call with reporters this evening, Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes said there has been “a continued uptick in Cuban migrants coming to the United States” since the administration’s policies to deepen relations with the regime have gone into effect, and officials “did not want to speculate publicly about the likelihood of this change for fear of inviting even greater migration flows.”

“There’s obviously an enormous number of — there’s a very large Cuban American population, and many Cuban migrants are already here. It was going to be too complicated, frankly, to significantly return people who are already here,” Rhodes said. “We wanted to get things right going forward.”

Rhodes added that “the best way” for Cubans to have opportunity “is for them to be able to pursue it at home through an economy that has continued to pursue market-based reforms.”

Menendez said Congress “was not consulted prior to this abrupt policy announcement with just nine days left in this administration.”

“The Obama administration seeks to pursue engagement with the Castro regime at the cost of ignoring the present state of torture and oppression, and its systematic curtailment of freedom,” the senator said.

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said on the White House call that “the discussions leading up to this were very sensitive,” and that’s why Congress was left in the dark.

“The policy that we’re announcing today is effective immediately. We did not want for there to be a mass exodus from Cuba in anticipation of a change in policy,” Johnson said.


Cubans line up on Mexican border. Stopped from entering US. “I got here two hours late,” said Carlos

15 Cubans are lined up on Mexican side of border at Laredo border station blocked from entering. “Help us. Help us.”

White House official said they hoped Congress would repeal the Cuban Adjustment Act, the 1966 law allowing migration of Cubans able to escape. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) acknowledged that the law needs reform, but said “the Obama administration’s characterization of this change as part of the ongoing normalization with the Castro regime is absurd.”

“We must work to ensure that Cubans who arrive here to escape political persecution are not summarily returned to the regime, and they are given a fair opportunity to apply for and receive political asylum,” Rubio said.

He called on the incoming Trump administration to reverse the part of the executive order eliminating the medical parole program and “allow these doctors to seek asylum at U.S. embassies or consulates in other countries.”

Menendez said the eliminated policies “reflect our commitment to the values of liberty and democracy.”

“We should never deny a Cuban refugee fleeing a brutal regime entry into the United States. We must remind ourselves every day of the continued oppression and human suffering that is happening – not only halfway around the world, but just 90 miles off our shores. The ongoing repressive behavior of the Cuban regime still haunts our hemisphere today,” the New Jersey Dem said. “The fact is the recent ill-conceived changes in American policy towards Cuba have rewarded the regime with an economic lifeline while leaving everyday Cubans less hopeful about their futures under a brutal totalitarian dictatorship.”

“And while more needs to be done to prevent the small universe arriving from Cuba who may seek to exploit the privileges and freedoms that come with the ‘wet-foot/dry-foot’ policy, those few actors should not destroy our efforts to protect the many who are forced to flee persecution.”

RIGHT ANGLE: The End of Two Errors

December 1, 2016

RIGHT ANGLE: The End of Two Errors, Bill Whittle Channel via YouTube, November 30, 2016

Black Lives Matter Feel “Fear” in World Without Communist Butcher

November 29, 2016

Black Lives Matter Feel “Fear” in World Without Communist Butcher, Front Page Magazine (The Point), Daniel Greenfield, November 28, 2016


Poor Black Lives Matter. The racist hate group is always full of fear and anxiety. Right now it’s suffering from fear because Fidel died.

While Fidel’s death helps remove some of the fear felt by Castro’s victims, many of whom were black, But crybullying means that you have the privilege to make your hatred over into fake fear while playing the victim.

BLM is a black nationalist terror group that worships Castro for his politics and for his support of a pivotal role model for the hate group, and cop-killer, harbored by Cuba.

We are feeling many things as we awaken to a world without Fidel Castro. There is an overwhelming sense of loss, complicated by fear and anxiety. Although no leader is without their flaws, we must push back against the rhetoric of the right and come to the defense of El Comandante. And there are lessons that we must revisit and heed as we pick up the mantle in changing our world, as we aspire to build a world rooted in a vision of freedom and the peace that only comes with justice. It is the lessons that we take from Fidel…

As a Black network committed to transformation, we are particularly grateful to Fidel for holding Mama Assata Shakur, who continues to inspire us. We are thankful that he provided a home for Brother Michael Finney Ralph Goodwin, and Charles Hill, asylum to Brother Huey P. Newton, and sanctuary for so many other Black revolutionaries who were being persecuted by the American government during the Black Power era.

Lest there was any doubt from BLM’s previous statements, it supports racist cop killers and black nationalist terror. It is a racist hate group and should be classified and treated as such.

Cuban-Americans Humiliated By Obama’s Comments on Castro’s Death

November 28, 2016

Cuban-Americans Humiliated By Obama’s Comments on Castro’s Death, Washington Free Beacon via YouTube, November 28, 2016

Palestinians recall fond memories of late Cuban leader Castro

November 27, 2016

Palestinians recall fond memories of late Cuban leader Castro, Jerusalem PostAdam Rasgon, November 27, 2016

fidelcigarFile picture of Fidel Castro smoking a cigar during interview with the press in Havana. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Palestinian political and civil society leaders reacted to the death of former Cuban President Fidel Castro over the weekend, remembering him as a strong supporter of the Palestinian people and cause.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas hailed the former Cuban president in a letter to current Cuban President Raul Castro on Saturday. “On behalf of the Palestinian people, the State of Palestine, and myself, we offer you and the friendly Cuban people our deepest condolences on the passing of Fidel Castro, a man who spent his life sternly defending his country’s and people’s causes in addition to just and righteous causes around the world,” the PA president wrote.

Abbas ordered Palestinian flags to be set a half-staff on Sunday, according to Wafa, the official PA news site.

Raul Castro, the current Cuban President, announced on Cuban state television on Saturday that “the commander-in-chief of the Cuban revolution died.”

A Hamas leader in Gaza, who spoke to The Jerusalem Post on the condition of anonymity, said that Palestinians have fond memories of Fidel. “He was a symbol of the national struggle. His relationship to the Palestinian cause and Mr. Yasser Arafat was very strong,” the Hamas leader stated. “He was a brother in the resistance and stood in the face of colonialists, similar to Nelson Mandela.”

Cuba, under Fidel’s leadership, was the only Latin American country to vote against the 1947 UN Partition Plan, which recommended the division of the British Mandate of Palestine into independent Jewish and Arab-Palestinian states.

PLO Executive Committee Member Wasel Abu Yousif told the Post Castro’s death is a great loss. “He always supported the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the Palestinian people in their struggle to establish an independent Palestinian state and welcomed President Arafat to Cuba in the early 1970s,” the top PLO official remarked. “We thank Castro, who represented the revolutionary spirit, for everything that he did in terms of his political and moral support for Palestine.”

Fidel welcomed Arafat in Cuba in 1974 in his first of many visits to Cuba, where he was treated as a head of state. Fidel also supported the Palestinian leadership in a number of international forums including the UN and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Sam Bahour, a Palestinian businessman and political commentator, told the Post, that Castro distinguished himself as a “consistent” supporter of the Palestinian people. “There’s a sense of respect for his consistent support to the Palestinian struggle,” Bahour stated. “He stood with the Palestine when it was alone without trying to impose any agenda on it. His support was in line with what Palestinians defined as what they needed.”

Fidel resigned as Cuban President in 2008 and largely remained out of the public’s eye in the remaining years of his life.

Jason Kenney mocks Trudeau with eulogy for “Korean icon Kim Il-Sung”

November 27, 2016

Jason Kenney mocks Trudeau with eulogy for “Korean icon Kim Il-Sung” CIJ News, November 27, 2016


Justin Trudeau’s controversial eulogy for the late Cuban President Fidel Castro continues to draw criticism in Canada and the US.

Jason Kenney, former federal minster of Defence, Immigration and Multiculturalism who runs for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, mocked Trudeau with an eulogy for “Korean icon Kim Il-Sung”:

We mourn the death of Korean icon Kim Il-Sung, who continues to serve the Korean people as Eternal President of the DPRK.”

Others offered alternative eulogies for Castro and other notorious tyrants throughout history #trudeaueulogies:

Mr. Castro inspired generations of innovative boat makers.”- gnorwreven‏ @tlynnleggie

Bin Laden was charismatic leader who helped revolutionize airport security in his lifetime.” – Liars Never Win‏ @liars_never_win

Bin Laden was a wonderful demolition expert. A true aviation and building savant. He’ll be missed but never forgotten.” – Gad Saad‏ @GadSaad

It is with a heavy heart that we mourn the passing of Saddam Hussein. His advancements in chemical research live on.” – Mikhail Menuck‏ @MischaMenuck

As you know Mr. Hitler‘s life has come to an end, he was known as a dog lover and a strong supporter of his race” – Alberta View🌎👀‏ @Uwork4It

Today we mourn painter and animal rights activist, Adolf Hitler. His death also highlights the need for suicide awareness” – Curtis‏ @FowlCanuck

It’s with a heavy heart that I learn Stalin passed, only he was able to acheive full employment for his people” – Alberta View🌎👀‏ @Uwork4It

Mr. Stalin‘s greatest achievement was his eradication of obesity in the Ukraine through innovative agricultural reforms.” – Melissa Lantsman‏ @MelissaLantsman

Today we mourn the passing of Joseph Stalin, a man who greatly raised the GDP for Soviet citizens…” – Gaulois‏ @Le_Gaul

my condolences to the family of Joseph Stalin. Through controversial, his policies in agriculture & industrialization….” – Mikhail Menuck‏ @MischaMenuck

Today we say goodbye to Mr. Mussolini, the former Italian prime minister best known for his competent train-management.” – J.J. McCullough‏ @JJ_McCullough

Let us acknowledge Mr Pol Pot‘s achievements in reducing overpopulation and building global sustainability” – Mikhail Menuck‏ @MischaMenuck

While a controversial figure, even detractors recognize Pol Pot encouraged renewed contact between city and countryside.” – Andrew Coyne‏ @acoyne

We’re saddened to hear the passing of Pol Pot. We are fondly reminded of his remarkable excavation techniques” – I’m the bubba‏ @Imthebubba

Let us acknowledge Mr Pol Pot‘s achievements in reducing overpopulation and building global sustainability” – Mikhail Menuck‏ @MischaMenuck

Though not universally liked by his compatriots, Mr. Ceausescu was a leader in urban design and affordable housing” – Cam Vidler‏ @camvidler

Today we say farewell to Adi Amin who help so many non African Ugandans immigrate to Canada” – Dan Fraser‏ @FraserFraserdw

I’m saddened to hear of supreme leader of N Korea Kim Jong-il passing, he fought childhood obesity like no other” – Alberta View🌎👀‏ @Uwork4It

Today we remember Pablo Escobar‘s advances in spurring youth interest in pharmacology.” – Chris Magill‏ @cmagill

We mourn the death of Vlad the Impaler, who spearheaded initiatives which touched the hearts of millions.” – Conservosaurus‏ @conservosaurus

Today we bid farewell to Genghis Khan, the former Mongolian leader best known for opening new trade routes to China.” – Don MacLeod‏ @DonWMacleod

Dauntless globetrotter, diversity-lover: Attila the Hun was indefatigably committed to advancing the East-West encounter.” – Rod Dreher‏ @roddreher

While Emperor Nero was controversial, his dedication to song and writing poetry signaled a Roman artistic renaissance.” – Jason Hickman‏ @jasonhickman

Today we say goodbye to Caligula former Roman emperor best known for his love of horses” – JSheehan‏ @TuesCheek

If nothing else can be said for Hannibal Lecter, at least he had great taste in people.” – Prufrock‏ @Kansokusha10

Though he didn’t shy away from controversy Pharaoh will be remembered for enhancing labor productivity in Egypt.” – Sohrab Ahmari‏ @SohrabAhmari

Diane Forsey‏ @peterdiane01 tweeted an eulogy for Trudeau’s victory in last federal election:

Today Canada mourns the election of Justin Trudeau. You will be remembered as this countries biggest mistake!”