Archive for the ‘Honor’ category

There Is Nothing Honorable about Losing to Hillary

July 25, 2016

There Is Nothing Honorable about Losing to Hillary, American ThinkerKarin McQuillan, July 25, 2016

In 2008 we had John McCain, who was too honorable to criticize Barack Hussein Obama.  In 2012 we had Mitt Romney who again was too honorable to attack our first black President.  Now we have Ted Cruz who is too honorable to honor his pledge of party unity, too honorable to protect our Supreme Court from Hillary’s potential nominees, and too honorable to help us win.  We have all the Libertarians, so honorable they have a shot at throwing the election to Hillary.

We have a whole list of conservative pundits and websites, who could swallow the GOP betraying all their 2012 pledges, doubling our national debt and increasing entitlements, without a word about bolting the party, but Trump’s crude, honest talk is too much for their honor to bear?

We have Paul Ryan who is so honorable he has to rush to the microphones and join the media lynch mob criticizing Trump as racist, while the Dems’ race-baiting over 8 years has gotten a pass.  Ryan’s priority is to protect his own, oh so honorable brand, as a compassionate conservative, superior to the voters as well as Trump.

There is nothing honorable about choosing to lose.

There is nothing honorable about betraying your voters, who picked Trump because all those honorable leaders have been lying to us for years.  They pretend to support enforcing our immigration laws when they have no intention of doing so.  They pretend to be serious about the jihadi threat, while letting millions of sharia-supporting Muslims into our country.  They pretend to be fixing things in the Middle East, while giving the Gulf sheikdoms free rein to turn American mosques into jihadi propaganda centers.  They pretend to be serious about jobs, while refusing to confront the Chinese on currency manipulation.  They pretend to love America, but not enough to protect it from the PC onslaught on our constitutional rights.

Note to all you honorable liars and losers:  the voters are sick of you.  We want someone on our side and someone who will to fight to win.  That’s why Trump was nominated.

Ted Cruz – the honorable thing was to put your personal anger at Trump’s dirty fighting aside.  Yes, he called your wife and father mean, ugly things, completely reprehensible. That’s more important to your conscience than a Hillary Supreme Court?  You told the convention, “And citizens are furious — rightly furious — at a political establishment that cynically breaks its promises and that ignores the will of the people.”  You were talking about yourself, Ted.  You were in the very act of ignoring the voters who elected Trump, not you, and breaking your promise to support the nominee.   And you have the hypocrisy to label that principled.

Message to all you so very honorable constitutional conservatives:  Trump is a far better constitutional candidate than anyone we’ve had a chance to vote for since Reagan, who also had his flaws.  Without borders, we have no country and no rule of law, both of which are prerequisites to a constitutionally limited government.  Think you’re going to get smaller government with amnesty and open borders?

So Trump doesn’t make beautiful intellectual speeches about liberty.  He’s going to protect freedom of speech, religion and the 2nd Amendment, all of which are eroding by the week under progressive misrule.

So Trump isn’t pledging entitlement reform?  He does recognize the need to rein in government over-regulation, so crucial to both liberty and prosperity.  He will get rid of the Common Core federal take-over of education, with its curriculum designed to wipe out American values and love of country among our children.  He will take on special interests such as the environmental lobby, which has hobbled our energy sector, and limited growth.  These are not small improvements.

Hillary will finish destroying everything you hold dear.  Trump will not just hold the line, he will advance it.

It’s nonsense that Trump is a horror, but that Hillary is worse.  Trump gets the basics.

Which is far more than can be said of all you honorable men.