San Francisco Teachers’ Union Offers Sick Anti-Trump Propaganda as Lesson Plan

San Francisco Teachers’ Union Offers Sick Anti-Trump Propaganda as Lesson Plan, PJ MediaDebra Heine, November 17, 2016


Left-wing indoctrination in the public schools has been a problem for decades and it’s getting worse. Remember the early days of the Obama administration when liberal teachers literally had their students singing songs of homage to our historic new president? Creepy and alarming videos kept emerging online showing kids praising President Obama as if he were some sort of deity.

In February of 2009, for instance, children in one class were taught “The Obama Song,”  featuring the following lines: “Obama is the President! First African America in history 44th president of the United States! The ground has shifted, the world has changed!  Oooo I’m a proud American Oooo yes yes yes yes YES WE CAN!”

And who can forget the infamous “Mmm mmm mmm!” song, which seemed to be loosely based on “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” but substituted Jesus with Obama.

I only mention this because in the wake of the 2016 election, liberal teachers are at it again. Only this time, instead of laudatory songs that praise the new president, a sick new anti-Trump lesson plan that demonizes President-elect Trump and his supporters has already been offered to teachers in the San Francisco area.  High school social studies teacher Fakhra Shah apparently drew up the lesson plan in a fit of spite and rage in the wee hours of the morning of November 9, right after Trump was elected. The school district reportedly has no problem with the plan, which characterizes the new president and his supporters as racist and sexist bigots.

Via ABC News:

San Francisco’s public schools have been offered a classroom lesson plan that calls President-elect Donald Trump a racist, sexist man who became president “by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base.”The union that represents city teachers posted the plan on its website and distributed it via an email newsletter to its more than 6,000 members. The school district has more than 57,000 students.

It is unclear how many teachers have used the plan, outlined by a Mission High School teacher, but it appears to have the tacit support of city education officials.

School district spokeswoman Gentle Blythe said the plan is optional and not part of the official curriculum.

“Educators are entrusted to create lessons that reflect the California standards, support students’ social and emotional well-being and foster inclusive and safe school communities,” she said in a statement that neither praised nor rebuked the lesson plan. San Francisco schools serve diverse populations and teachers are encouraged to include multiple perspectives in lessons, she said.

The Republican Party in San Francisco reacted sharply.

“It’s inappropriate on every level,” said Harmeet Dhillon, a Republican National Committee member from California. She called it “inappropriate propaganda that unfairly demonizes not only the campaign that Donald Trump, the winner, ran but also all of the people who voted for him.”

The lesson plan was written by social studies teacher Fakhra Shah, who said she hadn’t planned for it to spread citywide — that was a step taken by the teachers’ union. She wrote it at 2 a.m. Nov. 9, just hours after news networks declared Trump had won, to help teachers at her school struggling with how to answer students’ questions and concerns about his becoming president.

“I think a lot of people were lost for words, wondering, ‘What do we say? What do we do?’ ” said Shah, whose Latino, African American, white, Muslim and LGBTQ students are worried about a surge in hate crimes since the election.

“We’re calling him out,” she said. “If he’s our president, I have the right to hold him accountable and ask him to take a stance that is anti-hate and anti-racist.”

Shah warned teachers that some students may lash out at the new president using foul and obscene language. She even encouraged this because it is how kids living under white supremacy lift themselves up and fight oppression at school. Or something.

“I know that they might curse and swear, but you would too if you have suffered under the constructs of white supremacy or experienced sexism, or any isms or lack of privilege,” she wrote.

This is not “empowering” or “uplifting.” It is seriously deranged and destructive. The songs of Obama praise were disturbing and inappropriate, but this kind of propaganda is just plain evil. Instead of helping students deal with an election that maybe didn’t go the way they wanted, they are encouraging them to wallow in anger and self-pity and branding over 60 million Americans as racist and sexist bigots.

A KPIX reporter asked Shah if there are “safe spaces” for students whose parents may have voted for Trump. “They absolutely will be given safe space,” she answered. “They’ll be asked to explain, ‘how is he not racist?'” she added.

So — not actually a safe space at all. Kids are sent to school to receive a basic education and learn how to think critically, not to be forced to defend how their parents voted in a contentious election in a hostile environment where they have already been branded as racists. That, it seems to me, is the exact opposite of a “safe space.”

Explore posts in the same categories: 2016 elections, Political indoctrination of children, President Elect Trump, President Reject Obama, San Francisco schools

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One Comment on “San Francisco Teachers’ Union Offers Sick Anti-Trump Propaganda as Lesson Plan”

  1. wingate Says:

    Friends – a battle ( elections ) is won , the war is not ! Those opposing Trump ( Clinton gang, BHO gang and all those behind them ) are totalitarian / non democratic people, meaning they dont care for election results, they dont respect the constitution nor the law, they dont care for the US citizens nor for human lives….
    All they want is power and money ( look at the clintons….).
    Now – these people do not respect the election results and they are those behind the staged anti Trump Protests – they are those who control the media, telling them to wage a war against Trump !

    Watch out friends – I fear that these bad and dangerous people may intesify the staged anti Trump protests to a level where BHO declares marshal law and completes his mission by taking total control and power, staying on in the WH…..! Watch out friends…..

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